English Assessments

English Assessments will begin on Monday, October 15-19.

In first grade, we focus on assessing each student on what concepts he or she understands and can apply.   This will take place throughout the week and students cannot study for these types of assessments. 

Reading Assessment - throughout the week

  1. Rhyming
  2. Syllables
  3. Fluency
  4. Identify begining and ending letter sounds
  5. High frequency word fluency
  6. Letter identification and sound

Writing and Grammar Assessment - Thursday, October 18

Students have been learning to differentiate between common and proper nouns.   We have also spent a lot of time working on types of sentences.  The assessment will be asking students to rewrite sentences adding capital letters and punctuating the ending with a period (.), question mark (?), or an exclamation (!).

Spelling Review of Lists 1-7 - Friday, October 19

I have glued all their spelling tests into their blue notebooks.  Please take a look to see how your child has done.  We will have a grade period review test to make sure that students have them down.-

My World - Thursday and Friday, October 18-19

Oral and Written Assessment 

  1. Directional words - left, right, up, down,  next to, beside, under
  2. Label a Compass Rose - north, south, east and west (extra credit - northeast, southeast, northwest, southwest)
  3. Be able to say or identify what city we live in - Cancun, state- Quintana Roo, country - Mexico, continent - North America
  4. Find Mexico on a world map and color it in.
  5. Study guide links are below

Maps and World Study Guide

Label the Continents

Label the Compass Rose